It is a myth that the only way to control how you feel or your inner world is to change your outer world of appearances. The outer world is real of course but how you ‘feel’ about or perceive the outer world (appearances) is in your mind. Your feelings are inside you. We are brainwashed to believe that outer circumstances have an effect on our inner feelings, and we are entrenched in the belief that 'others', 'life' circumstance is controlling my joy or peace. That is how we can be so controlled by manipulative ‘others’ in the ‘outer’ world. Those who would dim your light for selfish gain. Those who would dim your light to big themselves up. This is why the consumer culture thrives. We have been sold the story that we are lacking in some aspect, not enough as we are, so if we buy a product, 'improve' ourselves, then we will maybe be enough and 'feel' good. It never works for long :). We believe if only I can get my outer circumstances right then I’ll feel ok; I’ll be enough. Such a lie. You are how ever you 'feel' NOW and your feelings are generated by YOU, they were NEVER contingent on the reality 'outside' you being a certain way. How disempowering to believe that...but we do...until we don't.
Some tantra practices teach us that by generating the emotion of love or gratitude inside of us by skillfully utilising imagination (rising above current conditions) we can begin to imbue our cells with that vibrational frequency. All every human seeks is to 'feel' ok, loved, safe and complete (even if they don't consciously know that) and we've been hypnotised in to the belief that we can't feel complete, whole, loved and safe until our conceptual ideas of what that looks like are fulfilled...Good luck with that! :)....
You already are that pristine..infinite...complete and whole, impeccable light of awareness...simply experiencing a human story.
I must always add that there’s nothing wrong with consuming anything, but self awareness will ensure that your desires are from your heart (which is wholeness and infinite 'enoughness') and not the fearful mind of lack or the lie of incompletion.
Nothing in this world of form can enhance or deplete your true nature....
Your reality and level of peace, joy and contentment is an ‘inside’ job. You are never upset because of what is happening, you are upset because of YOUR inner reactivity to what is happening. That does not mean that the ‘other’ is not acting like a selfish narcissist or an angry little troll or that war is not heart wrenching but it does mean it's up to you how or if you are affected by their behaviour, by what is ‘happening' and what you do about it. What do you do ‘inside’ yourself when faced with uncomfortable situations or difficult humans? What happens ‘inside’ you.
To really consciously contemplate this is the beginning of self empowerment. This is the beginning of awareness. Slowing things down enough so that you are consciously responsive rather than subconsciously reactive. There are no conscious victims in life. As you begin to see through your own subconscious reactive patterns of thought, emotion and behaviour you cease being a victim to circumstance. Nothing outside of you has power over you anymore! And it’s deeply realised It never did :).
The reactivity in our nervous systems to external circumstances is just a subconscious program running that has been established or created in childhood to ‘deal’ with circumstances that we were defenceless or powerless to back then. The safety mechanisms or coping mechanisms to deal with confronting or traumatic situations became habituated in the psyche.
You are no longer a powerless child.
By slowing things down, becoming aware of your inner reactivity, you begin to create some space in your psyche. From here you can consciously create change as you are able to flow out of reactivity and in to to self empowerment. You begin to access higher order thinking or intuition. Instead of fearful repetitive, rumination.
We are all source light (pure potential) simply having an experience of being a limited human for a while.
By creating space inside yourself, to simply observe your mental, emotional and behavioural reactivity to outer circumstances, you begin to reconnect to source energy. Source energy is the essence of who we all are. It is without fear, judgement, opinion or bias. It is pristine stillness; pure potential. Again from this place of pure potential we now have the capacity to create desired change, consciously. We are creating a space between the outer circumstance and our reactivity to it.
To reconnect to your essence is to reconnect to your point of power to create wanted change.
Without slowing things down and reconnecting to source light, we just continue to repeat generational karmic patterns through our psyche. Without reconnecting to our true point of power (heartspace) continually, we are just seeming victims of looping circumstances. We literally perceive what we believe and therefore the reality we perceive continually triggers us and pulls us back in to lower vibrational frequencies of experiencing. We are in a negative feedback loop until we become conscious and repeatedly reconnect to source light or heartspace or the state of no mind, no space, no time (whatever words resonate).
To experience peace, expansion or evolution of consciousness and freedom we must become the conscious ‘circuit breakers' of the old paradigms (neural patterns) that our selfish, fear based culture of separation has engendered (programmed in).
We must each individually return home to our connection with Source light (neutrality) and ‘be’ vibrationally the change we wish to see. I’m not talking about good deeds and collecting metta points :) (although that may happen), I’m talking about creating space when the nervous system is triggered - consciously facing…being still with… our inner mental, emotional and behavioural reactivity and shedding light and clarity on those dark spaces of fear inside ourselves, and again and again consciously returning to the heartspace to transmute Lower density frequencies.
The collective consciousness and especially the wonderful world of advertising says “You, your life is somehow incomplete and ‘lacking,’ but for a price you can finally FEEL like you are enough". Of course this is how our consumer culture has thrived. Fear and sex sells product and keeps the system going.
Our childhood subconscious programs of fear, lack and doubt are continuously triggered by external circumstances (people and situations) in our realities and they simply play on ‘repeat’ until we reconnect to our Source. The subconscious patterns repeat until we become consciously aware.
Our reactions to life in general are subconscious programs on auto pilot. We are not responding consciously here and now from neutrality, source (unified consciousness), we are simply ‘reacting’ according to our fearful, generational imprints and conditioning.
We have many subconscious programs running in our psyches, we could call each one a different SELF. Each self is a belief. Each one has its own thoughts, emotions and projections running on autopilot.
None of them are original to your essence. They’ve all been learned or acquired. They are karmic patterns, like little entities in their own right, little energetic phantoms of belief :) to keep you feeling safe and loved when you were little…
Let them all go now…
You no longer need them…flow from the heartspace…from presence...it doesn’t know lack or fear...It is infinitely free... is your intuition…barely imperceptible impulses or resonance or flow…flow as you in life now…your authentic expression…
Each subconscious self can only survive with your life force energy….your attention.
Eg a SELF created when bullied in childhood could be a belief that says “I’m powerless’ - this self is triggered whenever you encounter anyone reminding the subconscious of that childhood trauma, so will therefore react and respond as it was created to in childhood - by believing it is powerless. It will cause the´body to want to fight or maybe run or maybe just go silent, or laugh it off, whatever it took to stay safe back then. It is just a program running but it no longer serves you as an adult. The little self is no longer applicable. As an adult and when connected to source power you are equipped to handle anything…authentically…powerfully…from the heart.
The self. of lack beliefs wants to survive, it still believes that its job is to keep you safe. So it doesn't want you to question the lack beliefs that it is made of. If you question the ‘lack’ belief & really see through it that aspect of self will die/ dissolve out of your psyche….no longer necessary...leaving more space…love and clarity of your true SELF…Light…authentic expression. This is Soul integration.
Eg You may repetitively feel angry around a specific person. By really slowing things down you can allow the feeling of anger to be there in its rawest sensations but remove all the reasons and justifications that mind gives…and ask yourself with open curiosity “What am I REALLY angry about?”
You’ll find as you slow things down that all emotional reactivity is stacked and layered and by letting all emotions be just as they arise; fully welcoming them as they are without habitual reactivity, repression and mental stories and projections, your consciousness opens up and expands….and the dense, contracted, looping, mental, emotional and behavioural patterns of karmic energy begin to dissolve and transmute back in to light and personal power. Stories and projections 'about' emotions are just our minds way of avoiding or protecting us from the raw feelings in the nervous system.
Your nervous system begins to feel safer to 'feel' all that arises.
This is waking up.
Life experience becomes ever freer and lighter....