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Twin Flames

Writer's picture: Melanie BarrettMelanie Barrett

There are not that many genuine twin flames connections currently manifest in physical form. Only a few have chosen to incarnate at this time in order to raise the collective consciousness through the individuals concerned. It is certainly not a relationship about romance and trotting off in to the heavenly sunset with harps continuously playing. Although that romantic ideal is what initially hooks the ego :).

All of our individual lives provide consciousness with contrast and therefore growth and expansion. The ‘Twin flame’ dance is not something special or only for the ‘chosen’ ones. We are all equal, perfect aspects of Divinity expressing itself in form. No aspect is any more advanced or special or more capable of Divine connection than another; there is in reality no separation. Again…we are all formless, eternal Divinity expressed in and as form. If anything the individual aspects that have chosen to experience the Twin flame dance probably have more shadow to integrate than most!

Part of the so called ‘spiritual’ journey seems to involve adorning the spiritual ego that simply replaces “Does my bum look big in this?” with “Does my vibration appear higher to you when I say this?”…”I hope I’m suitably impressing you with my light, love and oodles of  infinite wisdom”…or another great nugget “I can’t be around you right now because you’re lowering my vibration…coz you’re down there and I’m way up here”…and best one of all “ I know more about you than you know about you…coz I’m more psychic and clear than you are and I can see into your soul…whereas you can’t…& that makes me way more special and connected to source than you’ll ever be”.

Anyway back to ‘Twin flames’

The twin flame physical counterpart shows up to reflect back to you aspects of your personality that you deny or that are unconscious. All ‘others’ in your play of life are a mirror to reflect back your beliefs….your life experience is only ever about YOUR perceptual reality…‘others’ only ever reveal your own core beliefs and judgements through the thoughts and feelings that they stimulate within you…but as you reach a certain level of maturity whereby most Beings are unable to elicit negative reactions within you (trigger you) i.e you’ve arrived at a kind of egoic ‘plateau’ where your ego believes you have ‘arrived’ and fully merged with Christ consciousness or Divinity itself… ha ha ha!!…Divinity needs to take it up a notch…turn up the heat to burn more illusion away… in walks the biggest wakeup call of your life!…ergo the ‘Twin flame”…..then begins the clearing of ‘spiritual’ ego.

The Twin flames’ essence magnetises you…like a moth to a flame. Your Higher Self/ God or Universal intelligence is orchestrating the whole thing…magnetically drawing you through a juicer (I would say sieve but that wouldn’t fully express the tumultuous heart and soul wrenching experience that is the Twin Flame dance) and separating out the remaining shadow from the light….when the darkness/ pain is clearly seen and felt…that is indication enough that it is being transmuted back into source light….there’s nothing that you have to do…you are being stripped of illusion by source. All of the acquired moral/ ethical judgements, value systems and perspectives that have been held so tightly as impenetrable belief within the psyche…all of the moral  judgements that man has unconsciously conformed to and held himself in separation with since the beginning of time will be painstakingly drawn up and out…one by one… by the force of Divine light. Divine purging.

This Divine purging of all judgement will enable you to return to the vibration of unconditional love…that’s the purpose. The twin flame is your exact equal and opposite….everything that unnerves you…irritates you…repulses you..terrifies you.. are traits that you deny (consciously or unconsciously) within yourself and so become a projection on to others. All physical manifestation is neutral…our individual psyches create and project meaning…we are continuously narrating the story. We suffer because of our own individual/ mental interpretation of what is ‘happening’….we suffer so intensely within the twin flame scenario because the love is so deep and true that we are literally magnetised to the other; essentially to death (of our ego)…. and yet the physical manifestation is the polar opposite of what we would be drawn to ordinarily….you see we would usually just project our judgements on to this type of individual and have no more to do with them…but in this ‘twin flame’ scenario we are forced to see through and past our judgements to the truth; unconditional love…without bias…or perspectives…complete and utter acceptance of ‘All’…a lofty task by anyones standards,,,this really is Jesus Christ territory!

The twin flame isn’t always necessarily romantic…however the dance shows itself is entirely dependant upon the egoic desires that the individual still holds…whatever can act as the Divine lure…could be a boss (if the desire is to become more prominent in your career)..could be your child (if your desire is to be a ‘perfect’ mother etc…).

Your Twin flame experience is yours and yours alone…it has nothing to do with the other party involved really…they may even be completely oblivious...they are simply the Divine catalyst sent to cleanse you further…(that ‘other’ is simply dancing to the tune of your perceptual misgivings) to close the gap between you and your Higher Self? God; your true Divine counterpart. You see we exist within a world of form so it stands to reason that it must be an aspect within that world of your form creation that Divinity dresses up as… in order to wake you from your slumber….and how better to draw our attention than through that delightful medium of love, romance and physical attraction…that really gets our attention!! How else would we be so willing to look so deeply into our selves and face the darkness that we have been unknowingly harbouring unless we have the tantalising temptation of Heavenly, angelic, eternal and perfect love waiting at the finish line!…As with all situations and scenarios the ego has an inkling of Divinity's plan ….it then runs with it…creating myriad dream scenarios, desired outcomes and expectations. The ego has no clue what Divinity intends…EVER!…The twin flame ‘experience’ strips the individuals of any claims of ‘knowing’…all that remains is a beautiful ‘Not knowing’ of anything…an openness…a deep humility…an offering up of the ‘little self’ to Divinity. What remains is the perfect love of God; but not necessarily with the puppet that has been used to get you to purity :).

Every single appearance in our ‘reality’ construct is narrated by our own psyche. When an individual merges with this truth they can be honest about who they are…where they are…how they tick and what they need…A completely liberated Being (one that has merged with the Christed consciousness) requires nothing from anybody…requires nobody to be anything for them….they are in full conscious realisation that all form is a projection from within the mind. Any neediness…any pain…any hatred or jealousy…any upset or yearning, any feeling of lack or less than is your Higher Self/ God calling you home into the eternal love that you are…Let the emotions take you home…observe the emotion…be completely still & allow the burning hells of emotion to purify you vibrationally…be completely still inhale deeply and on the exhale allow a natural expansion to engulf your entirety…release the hold/ resistance that you have on the emotion…breathe light and therefore new possibilities in to the darkened corridors of your existence….breathe in that beautiful unconditional potential of a brand new…uniquely perfect reality…it’s ready and waiting in the wings…just allow it to become manifest…on this journey there is realisation that all ‘feelings’ can exist within the space that you are…that everything exists within the space that you are…that you are everything and that everything is within you….there is never any better than right here right now…thoughts come and go…feelings come and go…yearnings and desires come and go….but you are ALWAYS HERE…NOW…INFINITELY…as the beautiful Divine back drop of all form appearance.…

If along this path you are mentally, physically or emotionally suffering then its a sure sign from Grace to tap out of the relationship. There is never a reason on this earth to accept disrespect or abuse.

Let the catalyst (physical counterpart) go… with love…if it’s meant to Be …NOTHING will stop it….but it will come back to you on an equal footing…two complete ‘Beings’ within themselves… Divine Beings…simply enjoying each other if they choose but feeling as equally ok to continue their journey without the other…this liberated feeling is your birthright and is what your Higher self? God fully intends for you…that is why you are experiencing this intensity now….It’s your Rite of passage home to Divine eternal freedom….oh the liberation…that your happiness and contentment would never again be contingent upon the thoughts, words, actions, presence or absence of another of 'form'. Of course life is enriched through our experience with others…but to no longer try to define ourselves through our imaginings of their perspectives of us or life…what bliss…to never again be concerned about anothers motivations or movements….what freedom!…to be so lovingly caressed within the eternal Now that only peace, love, balance, alignment and perfect harmony is experienced….and thus emanated…so therefore eternally perpetuated by itself..….you are never separate from them or anyone anyway…separation is an illusion…created by the translation of mind upon the Divinely perfect moment…whatever is happening for you right now is Divinely perfect…Divinity is pulling all the strings….surrender into Grace and infinite freedom….Surrender deeply into any pain or yearning…let it dissolve and integrate your shadows of limiting beliefs…that you may realise consciosly the Divine love that you are.

Simply traversing this wildly confusing and heart wrenching terrain is cleansing you…is drawing you towards your Divine connection with Source/ God…like an energetic whirlpool of such force and magnitude…you are source light and it’s only the erroneous beliefs about who and what you think you are or need to be or need another to be in order to feel this love that seemingly stands as a veil…all misqualified energy is being lovingly brought into the light of your conscious awareness…and transmuted. The mistaken belief that another person or acquisition could ever provide the key to the door to your Divine love and connection…is being dissolved…oh the transcendent joy of being in Divine love with your own ‘Being’…

You are precisely where you ‘should’ be at every moment…

God/ Love IS.....

You are precisely what you should be…absolute perfection…Divinity makes no mistakes…you are Divinity.

Enjoy fully and wholeheartedly the ‘good’ bits & forget about the rest…know that you are always going in the right direction…everything always works out…EVERY appearance will wake up eventually...and if it does not feel good then it hasn’t finished yet! It’s still fermenting…( I looked up the truest definition of fermenting after I wrote it and interestingly the original meaning referred to alchemy – aiming to purify, mature, and perfect certain objects)…this truly is the purpose of not only the twin flame relationship but all relationship…all interaction and connection with another….how else would we truly know ourselves (our thoughts, our motivations, our perspectives) other than through our perceptions of another...our reflection?

Don’t let the ego convince you that your happiness & completion lies within its conjured daydream of a Utopian existence with ‘the other’….your happiness & completion is within you NOW…Be still…be strong…be patient…you are emerging from the great sleep of separation…that is the pain that you are experiencing…labour pains…you are giving birth to your infinite unconditional love and freedom.

To liberate 'others' from your judgements and expectations is to truly liberate yourself. To truly liberate yourself from your judgements is to truly liberate all 'others'.

You are love itself appearing as the beautiful Divine form that you are. We all are.

Love is….

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