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The Heart is so open and free

Writer's picture: Melanie BarrettMelanie Barrett

Updated: Oct 7, 2024

The heart is so effortlessly withstands EVERYTHING...unquestionably...

It feels EVERYTHING...

It’s really ok when intense emotion’s beautiful just to expand into and really feel; every nuance, every aspect of sadness, fear , hurt, anger, rage, pain, joy, excitement...ALL of delicious to feel deeply...without judgement...without separation...just pure...unfiltered need to make sense of it.

So curious that the human will relish joy and peace but has resistance to sadness, pain, anger (you know...all that we have been taught is ‘lower’ and unpalatble) judgemental of emotions is the human....and sometimes...most times...the human has cut itself off so much from feeling so called ‘negative’ doesn’t even know it’s there! has crafted unique subconscious ways and cultivated mental storylines to avoid it...we needed that protection as children...but when it’s time we begin to let all of that subconscious conditioned protection go ...we start to really look at our motivations...consciously...for everything we do...looking consciously at the mental...conceptual walls we have built to stay safe from depth of feeling.

To feel is to heal...

Many humans are walking this earth so disconnected from their true feelings; living in their heads...cut off entirely from what the heart ACTUALLY feels...and aren’t even conscious that they are emotionally detached.

The heart doesn’t avoid or distract itself in meditations…mantras…beliefs...drives and can’t...only the mind needs avoidance tactics...but YOU were never the mind...YOU were always the heart...the heart simply doesn’t need to know who did what to who or what anything means...IT JUST always has...and if its emotions are not consciousy that they can be processed and released...they just get stored up and create havoc in the psyche...the results of which show up in our relationships...

There’s nothing wrong with any can a feeling be wrong? can the heart be wrong?...IT IS...and it’s only showing up to be fully loved by you...not just the ‘good’ ones...not just the socially acceptable ones...EVERY FEELING...the dark and the light...

The heart naturally feels EVERY emotion on the spectrum...without discernment ...separation or doesn’t decide what can come in and what can’t…it doesn’t avoid or chase.

The heart is unconditional love and unconditional acceptance of EVERY wanted and unwanted thought...feeling...emotion...image and sensation...

It’s really ok to hurt...anything that arises is ok...really...the heart can handle it...understanding may arise naturally ‘about’ the hurt or anger or sadness....but it’s not necessary...

(Note - This is not an excuse to accept abuse from another person in anyway shape or form...I’m talking about accepting your own feelings...not others unacceptable behaviour)

A barricade of understanding; attribution of shame or blame, a monologue or dialogue is not required ‘about’ emotions...mind will always try to navigate...negotiate and ruminate mentally ‘about’ feelings in order to circumvent possible further assaults to the heart...this is what the human conditioned mind has to to protect it’s sense of blocks unwanted ‘feeling’ anyway it can...through activity...meditation...habits...addictions...future planning...future goal setting..blame etc....and there’s nothing wrong with anything...of course there isn’ is what is arising...

You see the heart cannot be afflicted... assaulted..or even really can’t...but it still FEELS every emotion deeply...all the is only the egoic...separate sense of self that can be was cultivated in childhood to protect us from feelings that we were too little to process....when we were children we couldn’t remove ourselves from situations when the heart urged us to our little human forms developed protective ‘coping’ mechanisms...maybe we became like the perpertrators of our pain that way we ‘avoided’  being ousted from the tribe; which could have meant death of the physical body...when we were little we relied on the caregivers for safety.

...and the patterns continue on....

We perpetuate the same conditioned patterns with our children..we hurt them with the same conditioning as we have been hurt...and we don’t even realise...until we do...

By adulthood often we have acquired the amazing ability to emotionally detach from or avoid anything that triggers emotions...again it is an intelligent coping mechanism of the psyche...but true liberation occurs when the unconscious coping mechanisms begin to become conscious...this is Carl Jung’s shadow work...exploring and feeling deeply what you were never able to explore and integrate when you were little.

Liberation isn’t feeling peaceful all the isn’t a permanent blissful state ‘above’ the human is full...authentic Being...FULLY feeling EVERYTHING...without filters...without ‘safety’ or protection...completely vulnerable...naked to our hearts...the heart of Being alive...

The heart cannot be hurt or FEELS EVERYTHING DEEPLY though....effortlessly...both the seen and the unseen motivations of humans....EVERYTHING....and it cannot lie...It simply is...

The human can lie....but only to itself...

because it thinks it is separate and autonomous…such an amazing illusion.

The heart is already is liberation...It is is connected to is everything…it is infinite.

Individuality will never ‘have’ or ‘know’ freedom...

A human cannot ‘have’ the heart...or know the heart...

It is is itself...

My whole life the heart has felt intensely...both seen and unseen...conscious and unconscious in myself and others...

As does every heart......

But I was never able to cultivate an egoic protective I’ve never been deluded in to a false sense of safety by a mind...this heart has always been and completely vulnerable...this lifetime for me has been always FULLY feeling EVERY persons deep inner if it is mine (even if they can’t)...because it is mine...there is no separation...I had no has been an excrutiatingly painful and amazingly beautiful journey...

You see...the heart that is also yours...

There is only one...

Initially it may take courage to feel it and communicate freely and deeply with it ..with EVERYTHING it feels...

Whether that’s deep pain...deep grief...deep shame...deep…whatever...

It asks us can you just REALLY FEEL EVERYTHING now?...without avoiding...without running...without hiding...without detaching...

It’s all ok....

It is....

The heart is wisdom...the heart is pure intelligence...the heart is the creative knows everything without holding knowledge...

it NEVER lies...let it envelop you and guide you in its Truth....

Until the heart is all that remains...

This is unconditional love...

If it feels to use your form to will...if it feels to use your form to cry it will...if it feels to use your form for insight that insight will be received and maybe shared...if it feels to caress another in the arms of your human form it will...if it feels to remove your form from a situation...It will...

God’s Will...

The heart is the pure...infinite intelligence of the entire universe...

Trust it.....

It is....

Without Doubt...

The mind keeps ‘you’ safe and protected ‘from’ life...‘from’ others...

But the heart IS safety and protection and ‘other’...

The heart doesn’t ‘need’ safety....

The heart doesn’t ‘need’ to be fearless..

IT IS fearlessness....

Because IT IS fearlessness it feels EVERYTHING...fearlessly...

including fear....

It cannot protect itself...

It doesn’t need to...


Herein lies the infinite peace that passes all understanding…

The ISness of lifes appearances.

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